金邸獎 TINTA AWARD 陳設裝飾類-金獎

"樂園 1950" 榮獲 金邸獎 TINTA AWARD 陳設裝飾類-金獎


"樂園1950" 作品介紹:







1950’s Paradise

This project originates from a dream of private art gallery sent by the host to the hostess. The space design starts from the hobby of artwork collection and holding of private ball of the host and the space is defined by private salon. The old-fashioned cocktail cabinet of UK in the 1950s is used as the place of people and matter interaction. A proper atmosphere is created for the interaction of ancient and modern collection of Eastern and Western worlds, and a lot of dialogues and stories on private artificial collections happen here.


As a private recreation club, the place has made its redundant walls eliminated to form an opening field in terms of design; the art collections are an axle of layout and the functions are planned at the ends. The design also pay attention to the color and light combination, and it can realize an extended public space, a sense of temporal-spatial mismatch created by lines on facets and deep colors; the ceiling makes the exhibition more flexible with track lighting, and the auburn Chinese-style exhibition hall can make one focus on showcases and exhibits. The main furniture faces to the windows and outdoor scene; the sunlight sets off the antique cocktail cabinet of the 1950s and directs the guests to the exhibition room of Chinese-style collections in order to make them watch various artworks and have interaction among them.


The room is not very high because of its layout and its roof is pressed by a major beam, therefore, the design is suitable for the low-beam structure and the right angles of ceiling have been offset by micro arc shapes; the low entrance becomes a tunnel causing an illusion of temporal-spatial distortion. The grid-shape arcs at the ceiling in core place create the altitude as possible as they can to form a figure of firmament; the space is shaped as an artistic frame to carry the aesthetic transition and changes.


The Western and Eastern images are coordinated in terms of design form and the space becomes the proper background for presentation. The design is based on simple form, it utilizes classical elements to project the Chinese-style solemnness with color and pattern of peacock, and the variation of artistic painting colors has also shown the layers to complete the transition and incorporation of Chinese and Western atmosphere.


2022 第十屆 TINTA 金邸獎完整得獎名單|https://reurl.cc/nOERZl